Today marks the first day about a blog about an adventure.First log. Been working on this a few days. Noticed that world coords and screen coords are very
different. Makes me yearn for java programming. Oh well. I programmed a scalar tracking script in case I need to use it later.
Gonna have to reconsider how the artwork looks. Dumb down details, focus on building generic animations all human sprites will have access to. This will allow crowds and individuals to all have reusable movements.
Today's work includes building a test HUD that dynamicly displays all the hobo's stats. This was a bit weird in Unity. Not intuitive at all. I used public functions instead of static as most have suggested. Also the line "var GameControl : GameControl;" seems alien. Again, missing Java.
A quick word on instantiating variables: when you want to start a new object in Unity you define the variable name, then use a colon ":" and the type, rather than the type followed by variable name then possibly equals "=" and value. JS+Unity...not a fan. Oh well.
Oh, also, mono script's auto correct has pissed me off for the last time.
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